Why Should You Use Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is the premier choice when it comes to analyzing your website’s traffic. To see the fruits of the labor of your search engine optimization strategies, it is necessary to look for a tool to learn about who is visiting your site, why they are visiting, and how they are getting there. Because Google determines the algorithm in which your website is searchable, it naturally makes sense that they have a robust tool to measure the results of searches via visitors to your specific website. As an accessible and simple option to gain this essential insight to your business, continue to read below to see why Google Analytics is the best analyzing tool there is.


Using Google Analytics

It is free

There are a plethora of paid options out there to analyze your website’s traffic, and there is plenty of merit to some of those tools, as well. However, before you make the decision as a business to invest in a specific web traffic analysis service that would be specifically beneficial to you, remember that there is a completely free tool with a large amount of information for you in Google Analytics. To get your toes wet with wondering how your website’s traffic even operates, starting with a free tool like Google Analytics is a great way to learn. Google provides plenty of documentation for you to be able to actually learn the lingo and the trends for free.

It is easy to use

In the spirit of learning, Google Analytics probably has the most powerful help center that can answer your questions simply and succinctly. As well, it is really uncomplicated to get started. After setting up your Google account, you will create a property that is going to be the page that you are monitoring. You will select the stream of data you are monitoring, which is your site, then figure out the best way to input a tag to your website whether that is directly through the code or through website builders like WordPress or Wix. Once you receive confirmation that it is connected, your data starts accumulating immediately so you will have traffic data in no time. The user interface of Google Analytics is broken down up into categories on the lefthand side of the page so you can simply select whether you would like to look into realtime stats, audience, acquisition, behavior and conversion.

It gives insight to who your audience is

If you were wondering whether your website is actually reaching the customer demographic you were truly intending, Google Analytics gives you a very detailed breakdown of the users visiting your website. Their statistical categories for audience range from interests, to location, to browser choice, to age and more. While other aggregated data about whether the visits convert to sales and what visitors do when they’re actually on your site are valuable insights, learning more intently about your audience is a way to actually fine-tune your search engine optimization and general marketing strategies. If you know who is visiting your website and know how to best communicate with them, you’ll be better equipped to turn those visits into leads.

It offers custom reports

Once you’ve nailed down the basics of Google Analytics, there is still more for you to explore. Google Analytics’ customization features allow you to put all of the most important data about your site in the forefront when you want to view a quick dashboard about how your website is doing. Connecting data in custom reports is a great way to draw conclusions about why a certain point about your website leads to another. By deciding what metrics you’d like to measure by, you can start to dig into small differences in website traffic that will allow you to get a more in-depth picture into your web strategy. In short, Google Analytics’ possibilities are nearly endless and there is much for you to discover about your website.

Google Analytics puts the power of information about your website’s traffic into your hands. What you do with that information in terms of how you change your website and how you create a search engine optimization strategy is what will determine the success of your website to your overall business. Here at RainStorm, we are here to help you and your business through every step of the web design and development process, starting from the initial idea to seeing it through with implementation and changes. If you have any questions about how we can help you analyze your website’s traffic, contact our team of professionals here.

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