RainStorm at the Maine Public Health Association Conference
Join RainStorm at the Maine Public Health Association’s 32nd annual fall conference, October 6th from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm at the Augusta Civic Center, Augusta, Maine.
Brian Rahill and Monique Bouchard will be attending this year’s conference, the theme of which is “Building our Brand: Making Public Health Visible in Maine.” There’s still time to register.
Jean Gould, program manager and webmaster of the MaineHealth Learning Resource Center, one of RainStorm’s recent projects, will present a session on Technology and Health Education: How They Can Work Together to Positively Impact Health Behaviors.
“Over the past few years, the landscape for communicating health information has changed dramatically. With the evolution of the internet, mobile platforms and social media, most people obtain health resources in a variety of new ways. Using a multi-faceted approach, the MaineHealth Learning Resource Center created a coordinated pilot project to determine if social media was a viable health education delivery tool. Using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube, staff developed and implemented measurable objectives and activities for six month intervals. Delivering health education through social media has increased the number and ways people engage with us.”
We hope you’ll stop by and see us!