Retreat Activity: Not All Layers Are CSS!
Every year RainStorm has a retreat.
We spend the morning going over the State of RainStorm and presentations are made giving us a good review of the projects we worked on, the accomplishments we’ve made, and to prepare for the year ahead.
At the end of the morning, we typically go and do something together that’s a little bit of a challenge for everyone in some way. That’s ranged from bounce houses to bowling. This year we decided to try some art outside our digital comfort zones. We booked time at the Creative Art Center in Brewer, Maine and after a good lunch, we all picked out ceramic pieces to paint. (If you’ve never watched a bunch of web developers choose what to paint, well, you’re missing out on a long process!)
We passed the afternoon engaged in quiet conversation, passing around glazes, and wrestling with how colors would layer in ways that are definitely not virtual! Then we had to wait several days for the pieces to be fired in the kiln before we could even see the results of our efforts!
As it happened, they all came out beautifully!
Can you guess who painted which piece?